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Stake2Earn Multipliers

S2E 2X (2 Days)

Double your staking rewards for 2 Days with our 2X Multiplier.

S2E 2X (5 Days)

Double your staking rewards for 5 Days with our 2X multiplier.

S2E 3X (7 Days)

Triple your staking rewards for 7 Days with our 3X Multiplier.

Game Multipliers

Rust 2X (7 Days)

Double your Rust Rewards for 7 Days with our Rust 2X Multiplier.

Rust 3X (14 Days)

Triple your Rust Rewards for 14 Days with our Rust 3X Multiplier.

Rust 2X (1 Month)

Double your Rust Rewards for 30 Days with our Rust 2X Multiplier.

Dota 2X (1 Month)

Double your DOTA2 Rewards for a month with our Dota 2X Multiplier.